Welcome to bonmidi music

bonmidi music offers professional and top-arranged midifiles in the formats XG, XF, Genos (Yamaha) and GM, GS (Roland, Korg, Ketron, etc) as well as mp3 playback songs. Midifiles and mp3-playbacks with syllabic lyrics and karaoke for all generations in direct download. New recordings of midifiles and mp3-playbacks based on your specifications.
Here you are guaranteed to find unique midifiles and mp3-playbacks!

Look forward with us to a musical sound experience in the online shop of bonmidi music.


Moi liebschtes Programm - Die Anonyme Giddarischde
midifile  mp3

Midi formats

Midifiles with lyric track, chord track, arranged vocalist track.

midi-gm-gs Midi-xg-xf Midi-genos

MP3 formats

MP3 with syllabic lyric track / karaoke (see title description)

mp3-w/oM mp3-wM mp3-genos-w/oM mp3-genos-wM

Midifile not found?

Then take advantage of our low-cost play-in service. You will find more information here (click).


midi mp3
Moi liebschtes Programm - Anonyme Giddarischde
(im Kiehlschrank ...)
midi mp3
Was weiss dein Herz von Liebe - Fantasy midi mp3
Was heisst das schon - Die Schlagerpiloten midi mp3
Na und - Fantasy midi mp3
So hab ich dich noch nie gesehen - Sunrise midi mp3
Das tut so gut - Die Grubertaler midi mp3
Sag mir noch einmal ich liebe dich - Sunrise midi mp3
Wie Zucker und wie Salz - Nockis midi mp3
Hallo kleine Maus - Saso Avsenik & Oberkrainer midi mp3
Verzeih mir noch einmal - Duo Alpen-Gold midi mp3
Sommertraum von Mykonos - Die Schlagerpiloten midi mp3
Es war in Wuppertal - Die Schlagerpiloten midi mp3
RIO - Die Schlagerpiloten midi mp3
Der Himmel faengt auf Kreta an - Olaf der Flipper midi mp3
Des mag i - Manuela Suekar midi mp3

Other new titles in the categories new midifiles and new mp3 playbacks

Tips for the search function

  • Use the product search input field at the top of the page (Search for).
  • Search with few words, without full stops, commas or other punctuation marks!
  • Entering individual words and clicking on the magnifying glass shows all hits!

Quick Start Guides

1. Store applications: download here the help file (pdf).
2. Payment methods: illustrated guide download here (pdf).
3. Read important information for YAMAHA Tyros/PSR/Genos here.
4. Regular Customer Plus - Special discounts - INFO.
5. Information about our demo/sound samples can be found here.


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